MRI technicians looking at report

Realize Your Potential

You’ve already found a career you love. Now you’re ready to take the next step in your future. With a bachelor’s degree in imaging sciences, you can unlock your potential and find yourself in a rewarding, challenging and fulfilling career. Best of all, there are many paths you can pursue with your bachelor’s degree.

A bachelor of science in imaging sciences opens the door to countless opportunities. In fact, the demand for imaging professionals is already growing – and is expected to grow at a steady pace over the decade. With a degree from a respected program and university, you’ll be well-positioned to assess job prospects in an expanding and exciting field.

Discover what you can do at AHU.

Seize Your Dreams

Imaging sciences professionals play an important role in patient care. You’re helping providers and specialists find answers and easing the mind and lifting the spirit of patients as they undergo what can sometimes be stressful tests.

Not only is this career path extremely rewarding, but it has the potential to allow you to earn a steady income. In fact, the average salary for a radiologic technologist was over $60,000 in 2019. And, one out of three of our program’s graduates will earn more than $75,000 each year.

Learn more about the top three highest-paying imaging sciences jobs in the field.

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Your Dream Career is Within Reach

A bachelor’s degree in imaging sciences can help shape you into the professional you want to be and one ready for the excitement of a rewarding career as a leader in imaging sciences. Our program focuses on the skills, information and education you’ll need to succeed in your next role, like:

  • Business skills
  • Cutting edge technology
  • Finance principles
  • Management skills
  • Marketing
  • Organizational behavior
  • Productivity best practices

Simply put, a degree in imaging sciences can give you a global view of the industry. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with and learn from other technologists and professionals in a variety of healthcare positions. You’ll also pursue more certifications, allowing you to become multi-credentialed.

Take the first step today.